Archbishop Bernard Hebda has a dream for our parish, and every parish in this Archdiocese: a dream in which all Catholics are in a small group. He dreams such things because being in small groups can help our faith come more fully to life and help us draw closer to Jesus. In the earliest days of the Church, small groups spread the good news of Jesus – and they can do it again today. Did you know? Since January, 12 twenty-two of your fellow parishioners have been meeting regularly to help make Archbishop’s dream of Catholics in small groups a reality: creating a small group ministry right here at St. Francis de Sales. If you feel inspired by this or any other aspect of the Archdiocesan Synod process, consider the following action steps: · (Re)read the Pastoral Letter, “You Will Be My Witnesses,” (also available via podcast). · Prayerfully discern participating in Small Group Leader Formation, a FREE seven-week series held every Saturday at 10:00 am to 12:00 pm from 10/7 to 11/18 right here at our parish, facilitated virtually by Bishop Joseph Williams. Contact the Parish Office to learn more. This formation is intended for those who are open to the possibility of playing a leadership role in a small group. · Small groups will be formed in early 2024. Watch for details and an invitation to come!